Project Funding
Federal Ministry of Health
Project Duration
May 2023 - April 2026
Since 2018, regional networks for health, so-called Municipal Health Conferences (KGKs), have been established throughout Baden-Württemberg (BW). KGKs are central bodies of public health planning (GP) and are to improve and maintain the health care of the population in BW together with the Public Health Service (ÖGD). However, nationwide quality assurance and binding quality standards do not sufficiently exist. For this reason, heterogeneity can be observed, e.g. in the selection of topics, the allocation of financial and human resources, the methodological approach, etc.
For the further development of KGKs and GPs, a standardized way of working and a standardized understanding of GP is mandatory. This requires new forms of cooperation that 1. ensure quality and 2. create synergies and free up capacities. The project is about building sustainable structures in the ÖGD BW, which network the health offices more strongly with each other (horizontal cooperation), but also intensify the cooperation with the state health office (vertical cooperation). The effects of the new structures of cooperation will be evaluated, with the aim of a continuous quality development of the KGKs and the GP, in order to maximize the output of these network structures and in the long run the impact on population health. The aim is to create an empirical basis for the further structural development of the ÖGD in BW and, in perspective, Germany-wide.
The project is coordinated by the Stuttgart State Health Office (LGA). ZIRIUS is responsible for project evaluation within this network.