UrbI – UrbanInsects: Facade-integrated habitatsystems for insects

Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies

Structural-physical and social aspects of facade-integrated habitat systems for insects

Project Funding

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nucelar Safety and Consumer Protection, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

Federal state


Project Duration

July 2023 – June 2026


975.752 Euro

The loss of biodiversity concerning insects demands immediate and effective action because of the indispensable social and economic functions as well as ecosystem services. Although artifical habitat systems cannot compensate the loss of natural habitats, they are a usefull measure for maintaining biodiversity as well as expanding ecosystems. The negative image of insects in the German population is a great challenge for dealing with the loss of biodiversity concerning insects. Although perception and evaluation of nature and nature conservation is positive in general, insects often elicit feelings of danger or disgust. Knowledge is mainly limited to the insect group of bees. Additionally, insects living on facades are perceived as pest infesation. All in all, insects don’t enjoy a lot of sympathy or acceptance. The research project UrbanInsects deals with this situation by the innovative integration of nature conservation, social aspects and technologies.

Aim and scope of the project
UrbanInsects deals with the analyses, development and test of facade-integrated habitat systems to increase biodiversity. We consider structural-physical as well as social aspects to integrate functionality and acceptance. Several challenges have to be addressed in the course of the project. For example, the facade-integrated habitat systems for insects have to be compatible with the function and appearance of the buildings, the convenience of the inhabitants and the attitudes of the inhabitants concerning insects.


We plan the following measures in UrbanInsects:

  • Development of communication formats for improving awareness as well positive attitudes concerning insects,
  • Development, construction, test and optimization of two facade-integrated habitat systems for insects,
  • Integration of tested facade-integrated habitat systems for insects in buildings,
  • Documentation and guidelines for the integration of facade-integrated habitat systems for insects in urban areas,
  • Reproducible monitoring concept as well as recommendation for nature-orientated design of outdoor areas,
  • Knowledge transfer to the general population as well as to the building industry.

The scientists of ZIRIUS will contribute with their knowledge, experience and skills in communication and participation. For example, we will organize, conduct and analyse focus groups with citizens that are affected by facade-integrated habitat systems for insects as well citizens that are not affected by facade-integrated habitat systems for insects and actors potentially engaged with the professional installation of facade-integrated habitat systems for insects (e.g. craftsperson, public authorities). We will also organize and analyse an online survey of the German population concerning the perception and evaluation of benefits and risks of insects in urban living spaces. Aspects are for example knowledge about as well as attitudes concerning biodiversity and insects, respectively, and positive and negative factors influencing the acceptance of measures for increasing biodiversity. We will use the results of the empirical investigations to generate strategies for the successful implementation of facade-integrated habitat systems for insects considering different risk perceptions and plan to disseminate them in peer-reviewed journals.


Expected Results
The expected results encompass:

  • Science-based examples of facade-integrated habitat systems for insects,
  • Interactive website including know-how,
  • Tools for transfer into practical application,
  • Guidelines, presentations and publications.

The project description on this website expresses the opinion of the donee in the Bundesprogramm Biologische Vielfalt and does not have to be identical with the opinion of the funding organization.

Project Supervision

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