This image shows Jürgen Hampel

Jürgen Hampel


Research Associate
Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies


+49 711 685 84293
+49 711 685 82487

Seidenstr. 36
70174 Stuttgart


Jürgen Hampel, sociologist, works primarily in the field of perception and evaluation of innovative technologies and their risks. He gained international recognition for his projects and publications on genetic engineering, their social perception and acceptance.

Selected Publications:

Neuroenhancement. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine Kontroverse (herausgegeben mit Ronja Schütz und Elisabeth Hildt): Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag (Buchpublikation)

Public views on gene editing and ist uses. (mit Gaskell, G.; Bard, I.; Allansdottir, A.; da Cunha, R.V.; Eduard, P.; Hildt, E.; Hofmaier, Chr.; Kronberger, N.; Laursen, S.; Meijknecht, A.; Nordal, S.; Quantilha, A.; Revuelta, G.; Saladié, N.; Sándor, J.; Santos, J.B.; Seyringer, S.; Singh, I.; Somsen, H.; Toonders, W.; Torgersen, H.; Torre, V. Varju, M.& Zwart, H. ). In: Nature Biotechnology, Vol 3, No 11, November 2017, S. 1021-1023 (Peer-Reviewed)

Ein notwendiges Übel? Chemie in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung. S. 37-53 in: Weitze, M.-D., Schummer, J. und Geelhaar, T. (Hrsg.) 2017: Zwischen Faszination und Verteufelung: Chemie in der Gesellschaft. Berlin, Springer (Sammelband Publikation)

Further Publications as PDF

Between 1994 and 2003, Jürgen Hampel worked as a scientist and project manager at the Stuttgart Academy for Technology Assessment in Baden-Württemberg. Since 2004, he has worked at the Department of Technology and Environmental Sociology at the University of Stuttgart.

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