This image shows Matthias Leger

Matthias Leger


Ph.D. Researcher
Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies


+49 711 685 84296
+49 711 685 84541

Seidenstr. 36
70174 Stuttgart


In addition to methods and methodology of qualitative social research, his research interests include practical theory, digitalisation and science and technology research. For his dissertation, he is also working with practices and discourses of everyday mobility.

  1. 2023

    1. Baumgartner, R., Evans-Jordan, S. B., Leger, M., Schwertel, T., & Urbanczyk, M. (2023). Mapping together: Reflektionen einer situationsanalytischen Interpretationsgruppe. In Die Situationsanalyse als Forschungsprogramm. Theoretische Implikationen, Forschungspraxis und Anwendungsbeispiele (pp. 315–330). Springer VS.
    2. Leger, M. (2023). Praxistheorie. In M. Sonnberger, A. Bleicher, & M. Groß (Eds.), Handbuch Umweltsoziologie (Zweite). Springer.
    3. Leger, M. (2023). The Same but Different. On the Possibilities of Combining Practice Theory and Situational Analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Vol. 24 No. 2(2023), Article 2023.
  2. 2020

    1. Sonnberger, M., & Leger, M. (2020). Gegen das Gemeinwohl : eine qualitative Studie zur Deutung der Dieselfahrverbote in Stuttgart. Soziale Welt, 71(4), Article 4.
  3. 2019

    1. Leger, M. (2019). Diskursiv gerahmte Praktiken alltäglicher Mobilität - eine situationsanalytische Perspektive. Tagungsband Der 15. Tagung Der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie. ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie, 56, 102–117.
  4. 2018

    1. Leger, M., Panzitta, S., & Tiede, M. (2018). Daten-Teilen? Digitale Selbstvermessung aus praxeologischer Perspektive. In D. Houben & B. Prietl (Eds.), Datengesellschaft (pp. 35--60). transcript Verlag.
  5. 2017

    1. Leckert, M., Panzitta, S., Atanisev, K., Dawgiert, L., Dieterich, M., Lauterwasser, T., Leger, M., Orlowski, A., Steidle, S., & Tiede, M. (2017). Vermessen und Teilen - Praktiken und Diskurse des Teilens digitaler Selbstvermessungsdaten.

Matthias Leger studied Sociology and History at the University of Frankfurt/Main (BA) and Sociology with specialisation in empirical social research at the University of Tübingen (MA). In his master’s thesis, he examined the situational production processes of selfies from a practical theoretical perspective. Since 2018, he has been a research associate at ZIRIUS and a doctoral student in the DynaMo junior research group.

Matthias Leger is a sociologist specializing in qualitative social research methods. He deals with issues relating to socio-ecological transformation processes, particularly in the area of mobility.
In the CIB Lab, he is primarily concerned with the effects of social change on future energy demand, in particular the interactions of opposing developments across different sectors.

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