+49 711 685 84812
+49 711 685 82487
Seidenstr. 36
70174 Stuttgart
Her work focuses on the analysis of socio-technical transitions. She is currently leading a sub-project of the Kopernikus project ENavi and the sociological sub-project of a joint project Sozio-E2S, which is coordinated by Fraunhofer ISE.
Selected Publications:
Scheer, Dirk/Konrad, Wilfried/Wassermann, Sandra 2017: The good, the bad, and the ambivalent: A qualitative study of public perceptions towards energy technologies and portfolios in Germany. In: Energy Policy 100, 89-100 (zum Artikel)
Wassermann, Sandra/Schrage, Alexander 2017: Innovation „Mieterstrom“ – eine soziologische Betrachtung. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 12, 89-92
Geels, Frank W./Kern, Florian/Fuchs, Gerhard/Hinderer, Nele/Kungl, Gregor/Mylan, Josephine/Neukirch, Mario/Wassermann, Sandra 2016: The enactment of socio-technical transition pathways: A reformulated typology and a comparative multi-level analysis of the German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions (1990-2014). In: Research Policy 45(4), 896-913 (zum Artikel)
Wassermann, Sandra/Reeg, Matthias/Nienhaus, Kristina 2015: Current challenges of Germany's energy transition project and competing strategies of challengers and incumbents: The case of direct marketing of electricity from renewable energy. In: Energy Policy 76, 66-75 (zum Artikel)
Wassermann, Sandra/Renn, Ortwin 2013: Offene Fragen der Energiewende: Aufbau und Design von Kapazitätsmärkten. Vorschlag zum Umgang mit einem Expertendilemma. In: GAIA 22(4), 237-241
Sandra Wassermann studied Politics, Sociology and Economics at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Edinburgh.
She started at the Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Risk Governance and Sustainable Technology Development (ZIRN) in 2006 and has been at the Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies at the University of Stuttgart (ZIRIUS) since 2012. She has been spokesperson for the energy research department at ZIRIUS since 2016 and Managing Director since 2017.