Vortrag: Data Paradoxes: The Politics of Intensified Data Sourcing in Contemporary Healthcare - 14 Nov. 2022, 14.00-15.30

17. Oktober 2022

Vortrag mit Klaus Hoeyer (University of Copenhagen)

In contemporary healthcare, everybody seems to want more data, of higher quality, on more people, and to use this data for a wider range of purposes. In theory, such pervasive data collection should lead to a healthcare system in which data can quickly, efficiently, and un­ambi­guously be interpreted and pro­­vide better care for patients, more efficient administration, en­hanced options for re­search, and accel­erated economic growth. In practice, however, data are difficult to interpret and the many pur­poses often un­der­mine one another. Focusing on Denmark, a world leader in health­care data infra­structures, Klaus Hoeyer shares the perspec­tives of differ­rent stakeholders, from epidemiologists to hospital mana­gers, from patients to physicians, analyzing the social dynamics set in motion by data intensi­fication and calling special atten­tion to that which cannot be easily coded in a database.

Vortrag findet am 14. November 2022, von 14.00 bis 15.30 Uhr im Herdweg 51, Raum 51.01 statt.

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